foundation repair services

The most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB is water damage. The second most common cause of basement floor cracks is the freeze-thaw cycle. Other causes of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB include settlement or uneven ground.

The most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB is water damage.

Water damage is the most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB. Water damage can come from a variety of sources, including plumbing leaks, flooding, or sprinkler systems. This type of damage can cause structural problems in your home and may require repairs that are more extensive than just patching up the crack itself.

The second most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB is the freeze-thaw cycle.

The second most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB is the freeze-thaw cycle.

As you know, water expands when it freezes and contracts when it thaws. This can cause small gaps between your foundation and the ground to widen over time as they fill with ice and melt repeatedly during each winter season. As these gaps widen, they allow more moisture to seep into them which further weakens the structure of your home's foundation by allowing air pockets to form between its walls and floor slab (called "cavitation"). Eventually, this leads to cracking--and even if your house doesn't have any cracks yet or isn't showing signs of deterioration on its outside walls or floors yet either--you should still take steps now before things get worse!

Other causes of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB include settlement or uneven ground.

Other causes of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB include settlement or uneven ground. Settlement can occur when the ground under a house settles unevenly. The result is that some parts of your home may be sinking while other areas are rising. This type of movement can cause cracks in your basement floor as well as damage to other parts of your home, such as walls and foundations.

Settlement also occurs when a house is built on sloping terrain, where one part of the property sits lower than another section. For example: if you live near a creek bed or riverbank that experiences seasonal flooding during heavy rains (or melting snow), this could cause some sections of your foundation to settle while others remain stable over time resulting in cracks across different areas within your basement walls/flooring system!

There are a variety of reasons why a basement floor crack might form and some have easier fixes than others.

There are many reasons why a basement floor crack might form. Some of these causes are easy to fix, while others require more time and effort.

The most common cause of cracks in your basement floor is water damage. If you have standing water in your basement, it can seep into the concrete and cause it to expand and contract at different rates than the surrounding materials (such as wood floors). This leads to stress on the concrete which results in cracking over time. Water damage can also lead to mold growth which will further damage your foundation walls and floors over time if left untreated!

Another reason why cracks form on basements is due to freeze-thaw cycles during winter months where temperatures drop below freezing but then rise above freezing again before they return back down again this can cause expansion/contraction within materials like dirt or concrete that weren't designed for such rapid changes in temperature which could lead them breaking apart under pressure from expansion/contraction caused by these fluctuations between hot days followed by cold nights."

The most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB is water damage. The second most common cause of basement floor cracks in Edmonton, AB is the freeze-thaw cycle. Other causes of basement floor cracks include settlement or uneven ground.

