Why it's a good idea to take care of foundation repairs sooner rather than later in Edmonton, AB

If you're a homeowner in the Edmonton, Alberta area, you're likely familiar with the news about the recent spike in home prices.

This is great news for homeowners who want to sell their homes, but it's also a good sign that many homeowners are investing in their properties’ infrastructure including foundations!

Foundation repairs are not a one-time fix, nor are they a quick fix.

Foundation repairs are not a one-time fix, nor are they a quick fix. They're an investment in your home and the safety of everyone who lives in it. If you see signs that foundation issues are occurring in your home, don't ignore them! The longer you wait to take action, the more expensive it will be when you finally decide to get things fixed.

If your house is sinking or leaning and has been for some time now, it's time to take action not at some point in the distant future but right now!

Foundation issues can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs and could be a disaster if they're left untreated.

While it's true that foundation issues can be expensive to fix, there are other reasons to prioritize this type of repair. If your home has a damaged foundation, there's a good chance that other problems will arise. For example:

  • Foundation damage could lead to flooding or mold in your basement.

  • If the foundation is weak enough that it causes cracks in walls and floors, then you may have difficulty selling your house when you decide to move out (or even if you're staying). A buyer might not want something as old and damaged-looking as an old house with lots of repairs needed on the inside and out even if they've got plenty of money!

  • If you have foundation issues, act quickly to get them fixed before they get worse. Foundation problems can be expensive and dangerous. If you wait too long and the problem gets worse, it may be more difficult or even impossible for a contractor to fix it. In addition to being more costly, repairing foundations that are already damaged is also riskier because there's no way of knowing exactly what kind of repairs will need to be done when there's already been damage done by water or other elements getting into the foundation itself.

    If you're not sure whether or not your home has any foundation issues but would still like an assessment from an expert before moving forward with any renovations or other projects around your house (like adding another room), we recommend contacting us today! online here: www.smartfoundationsolutions.ca

